5 White Water Rafting Tips For Beginners

A whitewater rafting trip can give you quite the rush as you navigate down the river along with other people. However, it will always help to know some tips that will help prepare you for the challenge of rafting on the river for the first time.

Wear The Right Gear

It's important to wear the right gear for a whitewater rafting trip. A helmet and life jacket are essential to staying safe since you can be thrown from the raft and collide with a rock. Don't assume that it will not happen to you, and be well-protected instead. As for your clothing, wear something that will dry quickly under the sun, since you do not want to remain soaked by wearing clothes made out of cotton. Ideally, your clothes should also provide you with protection from the sun. 

Listen To Your Guide

Your river rafting guide is there to help keep you safe and navigate the river. Make sure you listen to their instructions carefully, since they are going to be the one who tells you when you start paddling, when to stop paddling, and when to hold on tight. You need to follow their instructions immediately in order to keep you and others on the raft safe. 

Know Your Personal Limits

Are you prepared for how physically demanding whitewater rafting can be? Know your physical limits, and if you are worried about your stamina due to not being in great shape, then pick an easy river route that you will be more comfortable with. If you do find the easy route and enjoy the experience, you can always go again and take a harder route. 

Paddle With Your Team

The key to whitewater rafting is to paddle as a team down the river. Pay attention to what the other people on the raft are doing in terms of the cadence of paddling and try to remain in sync with them. You'll end up using less energy as a result and will tackle those harder rapids with ease when everyone is in it together.

Know How To Stay Balanced

The raft is going to toss you around a bit when the water is rough, which is why you need to know how to stay balanced. There are places in the raft where you can plant your feet to give you some additional leverage. You won't be able to grab onto the raft as easily with your hands when you are holding a paddle, so learn how to plant your feet properly. 

To learn more, contact a whitewater rafting trip service provider. 
